Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II Сбои на PC

Последнее обновление: 12 октября 2023 г.

Вот наши Сбои для Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II на PC. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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The Gold and Experience Glitch


While you can exploit this glitch alone, it’s easier with a friend. Before you begin, make sure you have two separate save files with characters from different classes and a second controller.

One of the first quests you’ll have to complete in the game involves killing rats in a cellar. Once you’ve completed this quest, the barmaid worries about one of her partners who went in after the player. She’ll reward you, then send you back into the sewers to rescue her friend.

Reaching the sewer boss (a bugbear) will take about twenty minutes. Before you enter the boss fight, make sure to create two separate save files.

Gold Glitch

If You’re Playing with Someone…

  1. Fight the Bugbear and rescue the barmaid’s friend.
  2. Return to the tavern with a Recall Potion or through the sewer grate near the jail cells.
  3. Collect your reward: a pendant or a necklace worth much money.
  4. Save your game in the tavern, overwriting one of the two Bugbear saves.
  5. Have your co-op partner drop anything of value, whether it be the necklace or a piece of gear. 
  6. Take their stuff, sell it, and have your partner import their character from the tavern save. This won’t reset a save, just the character from that save. This means that the character will have all their stuff from before they dropped it. 
  7. Repeat the process of dropping and selling items, then importing your partner's character as many times as you want.

If You’re Playing Alone…

  1. Complete steps 1 to 4 above. 
  2. Turn the second controller on, start the game over with the character you prepared, and import them into your latest save.
  3. Complete steps 5 to 7, using your second character as a replacement for your co-op partner.

Experience Glitch

Once you’re finished abusing the gold glitch, it’s time to use that second Bugbear save: 

  1. Give all your items to your second character and have them save at the tavern.
  2. Load up the Bugbear fight, import your second character, and make sure they save in another save file.
  3. Fight the bugbear and gather the experience.
  4. Reload the Bugbear fight using the character you DON’T want to upgrade and import the one you do.
  5. Repeat this process as many times as necessary to gain the experience boosts.

You can take advantage of this glitch before every boss fight and level up your characters remarkably quickly. Ensure you’re using the correct one when reloading a save file, and always keep extra save files on hand.

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