Ghostrunner Dicas em Nintendo Switch

Última atualização: 5 de março de 2022

Aqui estão as nossas Dicas para Ghostrunner sobre Nintendo Switch. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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All Collectibles (swords, artifacts, audio logs)


Ghostrunner collectibles come in three forms: 25 collectible artifacts, 14 unlockable sword skins that change the appearance of your sword (although its function remains the same), and 7 audio logs to listen to.

If you’re having trouble finding any of the collectibles, use the video guide below for help.

Basic Tips


Be patient. You’ll likely die several times as you take on a new level. Just keep trying and practice.

Stay moving whenever possible. If you’re around enemies, stopping will make you an easy target. Try to plan out your movements so that you can stay in motion while attacking.

Arrows will guide you through the level. If you feel lost, look around to see if there are any arrows.

Checkpoints let you respawn from them if you die. However, they do not serve as save points if you quit the game. Make sure you’ve reached the end of a level before quitting the game, or else you’ll restart from the beginning of the level.

Your primary goal is to stay alive. Surviving is more important than defeating enemies. This also applies to boss battles, so always focus on making it to the next point and learning the boss’s patterns.

All of your abilities can be incredibly effective at turning the tide of battle in your favor. Experiment with each new unlocked ability to see how to best use it to your advantage.

Dash is one of your most useful abilities. Make use of dash in combat to avoid enemy attacks as well as close in on enemies to strike.

Using your sensory boost is also effective both in and out of combat, slowing down time to help you dodge attacks or better tackle the platforming segments, sometimes even giving you the opportunity you need to save a landing you would otherwise miss.

As you unlock upgrades, try out different combinations to find the build that works best for you. The game will alert you whenever you have a new upgrade.

Use your sword not only to attack enemies, but also to deflect projectiles. With the right timing, you can knock back bullets to hit your enemies.

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