The Last Stand: Aftermath Dicas em Playstation 4 (PS4)

Última atualização: 9 de fevereiro de 2023

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The best items to craft


There are loads of items you can craft in Last Stand, but not all of them are immediately necessary. These items are the most useful, and we suggest you prioritize learning how to craft them as soon as you can. 

  • Battery: These items are super helpful and vital to getting through the game. With batteries you can unlock supply caches, antiviral, weapon crates or medical crates, and H.E.R.C. 
  • Medkit: We all know that being able to heal yourself in a survival game is important. Having a medkit is how you can restore your help. Getting a hold of a medkit is a must.
  • Herbal Antidote: This is the only item in your inventory that will definitely help you if you have been poisoned. It’s always helpful to have an antidote with you if you are going into areas where you could get poisoned. 
  • Bandages: These items go well with your medkit. They can restore most of your health and are useful when you need a quick heal. 

Keep Items to restore Health


If you travel outside of your home on the map often, it is likely that you are going to run into enemies sooner rather than later. It is critical to have items on hand to restore your health. Thankfully, you can find items scattered throughout the map that can restore your health. 

Keep your eye out for these supplies when you are looting abandoned areas:

  • Bandages
  • Medical Kits
  • Antidots
  • Water 
  • Food

Bandages and medkits are great when you have severe injuries and are needing to restore large amounts of health at a time. Antidotes are needed to heal you when you have been poisoned. Food and water are quick remedies to restore health on the go. You can also find food and water pretty easily as you explore the map.

Know your Zombies


In Last Stand, you have probably come up against a few easy-to-kill zombies and some others that you know you stand a chance against. For the latter, most of us generally learn the hard way. That's why it is important to know the zombies you might come across before you get yourself into a sticky situation. 

You have your standard zombie in Last Stand, but there are also poison-spitting zombies, exploding zombies, and armored zombies, which are especially difficult to take down. Always be prepared for zombies in all situations.

Know when you are exposed


There are certain situations when you are completely exposed and vulnerable to attack. When you are crafting, either at the fire or at the workbench, you are open to being attacked by zombies. To avoid being stuck in this sticky situation, focus on clearing out the area of any threats before you sit down to craft anything. 

Likewise, if you are looting near a horde of zombies or wild animals, deal with them first. They will interrupt you as you are looting and deal unnecessary damage. 

Knowledge is Power


In the Last Stand, knowledge is power. Your development in the game coincides with your ability to craft new items to help improve your base and fend off zombies and wild animals. If you can do anything, learn as much as you can. The more recipes you learn, the more you can craft. The more you are able to craft, the better chance you have to survive the game.

Don’t Collect Unnecessary items


When you come across items, it is easy to just collect everything you find. You will shoot yourself in the foot if you do this. Rather, set goals for yourself with the items you are wanting to craft and then collect the items necessary to craft that specific item along with your basic needs as well. 

Here’s a video with some more great tips to help you succeed in Last Stand: Aftermath.

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