Minecraft: Legends Wskazówki na PC

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 31 maja 2023

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Czy podoba ci się Minecraft: Legends?

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Easiest Ways to Ensure a Great Gameplay Experience


Build Wellhouses

You can build a wellhouse in almost any location on the map, including close to Piglin bases. Wellhouses act as fast travel points between different locations on the map, allowing you to respawn.

It’s worth building a wellhouse between two villages. If your village gets overrun by Piglins, you can escape or respawn nearby. Skeletons, Creepers, and Mob villages don’t have a fast travel point near their villages, so you must build a wellhouse close to their village to fast travel to their location. 

Assign Roles

You must assign a role to each member of your team. They can either be hunters or gather. Hunters must be responsible for exploring the world map and ensuring all enemies can’t invade your bases.

Gathers need to focus on gathering resources and supplies and fortifying your defenses. Gathers are your base's last line of defense, and must build structures that will withstand an attack from enemy mobs.

Have Spawners Outside

While it’s recommended to have spawners inside your base, you need to position some cheap spawners on the outside of your base. Enemy troops will first target spawners before they attempt to destroy your walls, so putting a few outside your base can buy you some defensive time.

Jade PG shares some tips and hints for Minecraft: Legends

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