Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II Przewodniki na PC

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 12 października 2023

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Czy podoba ci się Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II?

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Skills Available for Each Class


Barbarian (Dorn Redbear)
  • Accuracy - improves the accuracy and damage of ranged attacks.
  • Armor Proficiency - allows you to equip heavier armor.
  • Barbarian Rage - Enter a stage of barbaric rage. You are unable to block.
  • Cleave - strike all the enemies in front of you.
  • Combat Reflexes - Increases the speed of attacks.
  • Death Blow - Increases the damage inflicted by a critical hit.
  • Dodge - Enemies will miss in combat more often.
  • Endurance - Increases your carrying capacity.
  • Evasion - Reduces damages from certain magical attacks.
  • Forge Lore - Decreases the cost of creating and breaking down magic weapons.
  • Great Fortitude - Increases HP regeneration rate.
  • Great Weapon Focus - Increases your ability to fight with two-handed weapons.
  • Hand Weapon Focus - Increases your ability to fight with one-handed weapons.
  • Hero’s Arm - You can wield great weapons with one hand.
  • Hero’s Mantle - Resist physical damage.
  • Improved Critical - You have an increased chance of getting a critical hit.
  • Iron Will - Improved Magical Regeneration Rate.
  • Long Weapon Focus - Improves your ability with staves, spears, and halberds.
  • Power Attack - Deal extra damage to enemies with a melee weapon.
  • Sprint
  • Sunder - Reduces enemies’ armor class after each successful attack.
  • Toughness - Extra HP.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting - Improves your ability to fight with two weapons.
  • Willpower - Extra Magical Energy.
Monk (Vhaidra Uowiir)
  • Accuracy
  • Armor Proficiency
  • Combat Reflexes
  • Crushing Blow - You can deal extra damage with unarmed attacks.
  • Death Blow
  • Deflect Missiles - Chance to automatically block missile attacks.
  • Dodge
  • Diamond Body - You gain resistance to the effects of poison and acid attacks.
  • Endurance
  • Evasion
  • Forge Lore
  • Great Fortitude
  • Great Weapon Focus
  • Hand Weapon Focus
  • Improved Critical 
  • Iron Will
  • Long Weapon Focus
  • Piercing Strike - Reduces an enemy’s armor class.
  • Spinning Strike -  A devastating staff attack that strikes all the enemies around you.
  • Sprint
  • Stunning Blow - An attack that damages and stuns an enemy.
  • Sweep Attack - Unarmed attack the strikes and knocks back all enemies.
  • Toughness
  • Two-Weapon Fighting
  • Unarmed Combat - Improves your ability to fight bare-handed.
  • Willpower
Necromancer (Ysuran Auondril)
  • Accuracy
  • Alchemical Lore - You can change potions from one type to another.
  • Animate Dead - Summon undead aid.
  • Armor Proficiency
  • Chill Touch - Freezing touch attack against a single enemy.
  • Death Blow
  • Clarity - Reduces the casting cost of spells.
  • Contagion - A spell that curses enemies with the plague.
  • Dark Possession - You can control humanoids and lesser undead creatures.
  • Empower - Increases effectiveness of various spells.
  • Enchant Item - Decreases the cost of creating and breaking down magical items.
  • Endurance
  • Enervation - Channels death energy at nearby enemies.
  • Fear - The closest enemies will run away for a short time.
  • Flame Arrow - Summons magical flaming arrows.
  • Ghoul Touch - Paralyzing touch attack.
  • Great Fortitude
  • Hand Weapon Focus
  • Haste - Increases your and allies' speed.
  • Hold - Stuns creature in front of you.
  • Iron Will
  • Life Drain - Drains enemy HP and restores yours.
  • Long Weapon Focus
  • Melf’s Acid Arrow - Summons a magic acidic arrow.
  • Ray of Enfeeblement - Reduces an enemy’s damage.
  • Shield - Magic shield
  • Shocking Grasp - Electrifying shock attack. 
  • Slow - Slows enemies.
  • Sprint
  • Vampiric Touch - Touch attack steals life from enemies.
  • Willpower
Rogue (Borador “Goldhand”)
  • Accuracy
  • Armor Proficiency
  • Combat Reflexes
  • Dodge
  • Endurance
  • Evasion
  • Forge Lore
  • Great Fortitude
  • Hail of Bolts - Fire multiple bolts at once.
  • Hand Weapon Focus
  • Improved Critical
  • Iron Will
  • Long Weapon Focus
  • Precise Shot - Fire more accurate, damaging shots from a crossbow.
  • Ransack - Gain extra loot from enemies.
  • Smokepowder Bolt - Fire a burning bolt from a crossbow.
  • Smokepowder Bomb - Hurl an explosive at enemies.
  • Smokepowder Satchel - Place and detonate an explosive satchel.
  • Sprint
  • Stealth - Avoid enemies and make sneak attacks.
  • Toughness
  • Two-weapon Fighting
  • Willpower
Cleric (Allesia Faithhammer)
  • Accuracy
  • Armor Proficiency
  • Bless - Increases the combat abilities of you and your allies.
  • Clarity 
  • Cure Wounds - Heals you and your allies.
  • Divine Resilience - Temporary increase for Great Fortitude
  • Divine Strength - Temporary Strength boost.
  • Dodge
  • Empower
  • Endurance
  • Flame Strike - Calls down Holy Fire on enemies.
  • Great Fortitude
  • Great Weapon Focus
  • Hand Weapon Focus
  • Iron Will
  • Long Weapon Focus
  • Protective Ward - Creates a protective aura around you.
  • Purity - Grants temporary poison and acid resistance.
  • Sanctuary - Enemies won’t attack you unless you attack them.
  • Spiritual Weapon - Summon the avatar of Helm’s sword, “Ever Watchful.”
  • Sprint
  • Toughness
  • Two-Weapon Fighting
  • Turn Undead - Repels and damages nearby undead.
  • Willpower

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