The Riftbreaker Коды на Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Последнее обновление: 22 апреля 2022 г.

Вот наши Коды для The Riftbreaker на Xbox Series X. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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A very handy list of Riftbreaker cheats at your exposure.


To begin _ exit the demo version (Go to trial.)
Find this file in the game folder ( initial_config.cfg)
the riftbreaker prologue \ conf \ initial_config.cfg

Find line_ set demo_mode 1 and change 1 to 0

Following this, you can input any of the console commands and cheats you see below.

In-game_To enter codes on PS4, Hold L1 + L2 +R1 +R2 simultaneously. Enter the cheat you want to enable and Press the circle button followed by L1+L2+R1+R2 to close the cheat code console. (Entering the cheats will differ from consule to PC)

cheat_reveal_minimap [0/1] – Opens the entire mini map.
cheat_god_mode [0/1] – Makes you immortal.
cheat_set_player_health [0/9999] – Increases health by set number.
cheat_remove_all_units [0/1] – Removes all objects currently visible on the minimap.
cheat_add_all_items [0/1] – Adds all items to inventory.
cheat_no_clip [0/1] – The player can walk through obstacles.
camera_enable_zoom (1) – Enables zooming using the scroll wheel
time_factor (number) – Changes the in-game speed by specified number
cheat_full_loadout (1) – Grants full loadout, including a flamethrower and missile launcher
cheat_set_player_invisibility (1) – Grants the player invisibility
cheat_spawn_meteor – Spawns a meteor nearby
cheat_unlimited_money (1) – Grants an infinite amount of  resources
cheat_add_resource (name) (value) – Grants the specified amount of named resources


На сайте: Jonathan Nestler комментарий

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