Far Cry 6 Руководства на Xbox One (X1)

Последнее обновление: 16 марта 2023 г.

Вот наши Руководства для Far Cry 6 на Xbox One. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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Unlimited money and resources


There are a number of ways you can earn money in the game for example by killing enemies or going hunting but this will not make you rich. 

Los bandidos mini-game you give you 2000 pesos from one operation. There are some operations that do not have a pesos reward but will still give you lots of money by doing the other steps. In the mini-game, you do not have to farm for pesos.

The idea is to send out a leader and wait real-world time before you are able to give the leader commands and then get the reward. 

You can access the Los Bandidos operations in the different home bases or by the multiple hideouts that you unlock with the hideout network cam facility. You can also buy the location at the vendor and they will appear. 

An important camp facility is the Bandidos Barricks and the more you upgrade this campsite the more recruits you can gather. The recruits are next to leaders and are needed for the operations. 

You will need to meet the requirements but this will be easier for you once you have built and upgraded the Bandidoe Barricks. The Barricks will continuously receive leaders for operations and you will have to wait real-world time but you can play the game regularly while you wait. The rewards will continue even if you are not playing the game and the rewards increase over time. 

A flying foe operation 

From this operation, you will get a unique weapon trinket by simply clicking through some menus. 

The second step in the operation will give you 1100 pesos with a 100% success rate. 

The third step will give you another 1100 pesos.

JorRaptor shows you how to get unlimited money and resources.



Vehicles and Horses will be your main way to travel in through Yara. You can easily unlock more by scanning vehicles you come across in the worlds. You will need to grab your phone, wait a while until you see a green square and the next time you will get to pick up point the car will be on the list to summon. 

If someone is driving a car that you want you will need to command them to leave and then you will be able to scan the vehicle. 

The Military vehicles can not be scanned so you will need to bring the military vehicle to the car pick-up point before you can summon it. 

JorRaptor gives players 6 tips and tricks.

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Précieuse  cargaison  impossible  de  l'affaire  ??
Remi Karolak, 1 год назад Ответить на
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