The Settlers: New Allies Руководства на Nintendo Switch

Последнее обновление: 9 октября 2023 г.

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How to Expand Territory


The game is about expanding your territory to be the biggest and strongest city. Expanding your territory is a slow process. To start, you’ll have a few hexagons around your settlement, which are used to mark your territory.

Your hexagons/ territory can then be expanded by a unit called an engineer, who will build and claim land for you. Engineers can be used in groups or as individuals to perform one task.

Sending out an engineer to claim land while the others continue to build your city will greatly increase your area of claimed land. It’s best first to send a military scout into the unseen map area to prevent enemy soldiers from attacking your engineers.

Search for land that has the most resources on it. This will significantly increase your chances of defeating your opposition. Once an area is marked out, send your engineers to claim the land.

Invictus shares a guide on how to expand your territory

How to Build Up an Army


You will need to build a strong army to overpower your enemy forces. Creating a formidable military requires more than just a troop of soldiers; you’ll need a strong economy.

A strong economy is built through an economic network that moves goods from one building to another. Every building in the game has a specific purpose and will feed into another.

To build military units, you must discover iron and coal deposits with your engineers and carriers. Free engineers will automatically be instructed, through the game's auto-build feature, to construct buildings.

You can also manually instruct engineers to construct buildings; this is handy when you’re focused on creating an army. Instruct your engineers to build iron and coal deposits, allowing you to collect raw materials needed for weapons.

Raw iron ore can then be converted into iron bars at a furnace, which you’ll need to construct. Building a blacksmith is the next step, as the iron bars can be converted into weapons.

Blacksmiths can only focus on one weapon at a time, meaning you must construct several to increase your weaponry. You can create three types of weapons at a blacksmith, including bows, swords, and axes. 

Once you have assigned a type of weapon to a blacksmith, they will continue to forge them until instructed otherwise. Blacksmiths require meat. Giving a blacksmith meat will increase the speed of your production.

After you have created weapons, you’ll need to construct a barracks. Unemployed travelers and free settlers are trained at a barracks. Once a settler has been trained, they will form part of your military.

The size of your army depends on how fast your blacksmiths can forge weapons and the amount of resources your carriers can distribute. Once you have built a formidable army, your units can be upgraded by gathering new resources.

Search the map with scouts, enabling you to locate new resources. Your surplus resources can also be traded to gain more weapons. You will need to construct a harbor and open a trade route to trade your resources. 

Your military units will be directly controlled by your command. Send your army out in groups, attack your enemies, or defend your settlement against unwanted enemies. 

The Honest Settler shares a guide on how to build up an army

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