NBA 2K14 Руководства на Playstation 4 (PS4)

Последнее обновление: 2 июля 2024 г.

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Elite Player's Signature Skills


Here's the five signature skills for the players listed below. Only players considered "elite" have five signature skills.

Kemba Walker

Rating: 83

Team: Charlotte Bobcats


  1. Charge Card
  2. Pick & Roll Maestro
  3. Finisher
  4. Pick Pocket
  5. Acrobat

Derrick Rose

Rating: 92

Team: Chicago Bulls


  1. Acrobat
  2. One-Man Fastbreak
  3. Pick & Roll Maestro
  4. Finisher
  5. Closer

Joakim Noah

Rating: 82

Team: Chicago Bulls


  1. Post Playmaker
  2. Scrapper
  3. Bruiser
  4. Tenacious Rebound
  5. Defensive Anchor

Kyrie Irving

Rating: 89

Team: Cleveland Cavaliers


  1. Finisher
  2. Acrobat
  3. Ankle Breaker
  4. Shot Creator
  5. Closer

Rajon Rondo

Rating: 90

Team: Boston Celtics


  1. Pick Pocket
  2. Dimer
  3. Pick & Roll Maestro
  4. Flashy Passer
  5. Floor General

Chris Paul

Rating: 93

Team: Los Angeles Clippers


  1. Dimer
  2. Floor General
  3. Pick Pocket
  4. Pick & Roll Maestro
  5. Closer

Blake Griffin

Rating: 84

Team: Los Angeles Clippers


  1. Posterizer
  2. Post Playmaker
  3. Finisher
  4. Highlight Film
  5. Screen Outlet

Jamal Crawford

Rating: 80

Team: Los Angeles Clippers


  1. Ankle Breaker
  2. Catch & Shoot
  3. Pick Dodger
  4. Closer
  5. Microwave

Mike Conley

Rating: 83

Team: Memphis Grizzlies


  1. Pick Pocket
  2. Interceptor
  3. Acrobat
  4. Closer
  5. Floor General

Marc Gasol

Rating: 82

Team: Memphis Grizzlies


  1. Defensive Anchor
  2. Post Playmaker
  3. Brick Wall
  4. Screen Outler
  5. Bruiser

LeBron James

Rating: 99

Team: Miami Heat


  1. Finisher
  2. Chasedown Artist
  3. Dimer
  4. Lockdown Defense
  5. LeBron Coast to Coast

Dwyane Wade

Rating: 91

Team: Miami Heat


  1. Shot Creator
  2. Interceptor
  3. Closer
  4. Deadeye
  5. Pick & Roll Maestro

DeMarcus Cousins

Rating: 80

Team: Sacramento Kings


  1. Finisher
  2. Bruiser
  3. Break Starter
  4. Hustle Points
  5. Tenacious Rebound

Carmelo Anthony

Rating: 91

Team: New York Knicks


  1. Shot Creator
  2. Finisher
  3. Deadeye
  4. Closer
  5. Microwave

Kobe Bryant

Rating: 93

Team: Los Angeles Lakers


  1. Shot Creator
  2. Deadeye
  3. Closer
  4. Heat Retention
  5. Finisher

Steve Nash

Rating: 80

Team: Los Angeles Lakers


  1. Flashy Passer
  2. Dimer
  3. Catch and Shoot
  4. Pick & Roll Maestro
  5. Floor General

Monta Ellis

Rating: 85

Team: Dallas Mavericks


  1. Acrobat
  2. Interceptor
  3. Finisher
  4. Closer One-Man
  5. Fastbreak

How to Steal Guide


Follow the tips below to steal the ball from your opponents more often.

Do not press the steal button (X) over and over again. If you do that, or if you try to steal the ball when the opponent is in clear control of the ball or is protecting it with his body, your player won't steal the ball, but will perform a personal foul, instead. You have to watch the game carefully, wait for an opening, and press the button at the right time.

Use players who are better at stealing the ball, such as Chris Paul, Rajon Rondo, and Russell Westbrook. Such players have a much better chance of success, especially if the opposing point guard is dribbling the ball.

Dribbers in general are easier to steal from. If the ball is close to you and the player's body is not blocking it, try to steal it. You'll have an easier chance of getting it during spin moves, and some players naturally have low "Ball Security" and can't protect it as well.

You don't always have to steal the ball from the player who has it. You can also intercept a pass from one player to another. Take your defender to a "passing lane," one of the areas near the paint from which players will approach the basket. Bounced passes are much harder to intercept, but you have a good chance to steal lobbed passes, especially if the receiving player is in the post.

Especially against AI opponents, you can use a double team L1 to trap the ball-handler between two defenders and force him to hold the ball with both hands. If you put enough pressure on him, he will make a lousy pass that is easily intercepted. Save this technique for when you have quicker players than the other team, or else they will learn how to overcome it through the use of quick passes.

Easy Ball Stealing Method


Ball stealing is easy with just about anybody.

  1. While defending an opponent, hold down L2/LB to "face-up" the player. Holding this will keep your player facing the opposing player no matter what direction you're moving.
  2. While holding L2/LB you will see a glowing circle under your player. It pulses from white to red at a set speed according to your current players stealing ability or stats. You basically have to time your steal so that your player reaches in at the moment the circle is about to turn white.
  3. You only want to attempt a steal on a white circle. Also factor in that it's much easier if the opposing player is facing you, dribbling the ball and not holding it away from you, etc. These two things make it ridiculously easy to time your button push to steal the ball.
  4. Even players with poor stealing capability can get steals easily with this method. Remember to hold L2/LB always while on defense, otherwise you will get intentional fouls all day.

2K Games put this system into the gameplay to make it easier for people to steal without fouling out, and to incorporate a level of skill and finesse with stealing.

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