Team Sonic Racing Подсказки на PC

Последнее обновление: 23 марта 2022 г.

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Helpful Hints & Tips


Unlock New Zones

Concentrate on fulfilling each event’s objectives to earn the necessary keys and stars to unlock additional zones.

Mod Pods

Make it a habit to exit Campaign mode every time 50 credits are earned and go to the main menu’s ‘Mod Pod’ option to buy a few Mod Pods. Every Mod Pod will hold random contents of either a cosmetic item, a car part for performance, or a bonus block. Mod Pods are 10 credits each, and it’s advisable to open them ASAP because the upgrades they contain will come in handy later in the game.

Slingshot boosts

You should alternate between delivering and receiving Slingshot boosts from the back of one another whenever you’re near one of your teammates. When the Slingshot catapults you, the longer that you can ride in your team’s trail, the further that you’ll go.

Kart Upgrades

Although changing kart parts at the garage is more convenient, you can do it before each race by choosing the ‘Loadout’ option after picking your character.

Ring Collecting

Unless you’re on a task that requires you to gather a set number of rings, you shouldn’t be too concerned with them because they come and go easily.

Sharing items

Team sonic racing emphasizes teamwork, and it is encouraged to share the stuff you collect with your teammates., such as boosts and weaponry. Assist your team wherever you can, as the final position is determined by the average of your teammates.

Ultimate team bonus

By working together, you can earn the ultimate team bonus if your team is battling at the back of the pack, which will help you get back in the race.

KingSuperOne shows you how to get the slingshot trophy

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