Team Sonic Racing Руководства на PC

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Beginner Tips


Assist your teammates

Drive into a teammate who has been knocked out to give them a Skim Boost and help them get back into the race. Find out what bonuses each of these small alien creatures provide by viewing what are wisps below.

What exactly are wisps?

Wisps are a little alien species from Planet Wisp who feature in the sonic hedgehog franchise.

They are things in team sonic racing that can either offer you an advantage or sabotage your opponent’s progress while racing.

Wisps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and understanding what each one does and how to utilize it or pass it on to a teammate is key to getting the most out of them.

  1. Burst (Red Wisp): Creates a trail of flames for your opponents to avoid behind you.
  2. Cube (Blue Wisp): A blue cube appears behind you as an obstruction for other racers.
  3. Drill (Yellow Wisp): Gain a speed boost and invincibility for a short time.
  4. Eagle (Crimson Wisp): Pursues and strikes opponents.
  5. Laser (Cyan Wisp): Fires at opponents and by zapping them long enough they’ll spin out.
  6. Rhythm (Magenta Wisp): Musical notes appear in front of an opponent, distracting them severally.
  7. Quake (Grey Wisp): Builds stone pillars, in front, for your opponents to avoid.
  8. Lightning (Ivory Wisp): Unavoidable lightning stuns opponents.
  9. Ghost (Jade Wisp): Gain invincibility for a short time and steal an opponent’s Wisp.
  10. Rocket (Orange Wisp): Fires a rocket forward that is able to bounce off walls, try aiming for an opponent.
  11. Spikes (Pink Wisp): Use spikes to surround your kart and causes opponents to spin out when driving into them.
  12. Void (Violet Wisp): Slows down nearby enemies while absorbing rings and items.
  13. Boost (White Wisp): As the name implies, you’ll gain a burst of speed.
  14. Bomb (Black Wisp): Either throw a bomb in front of you or leave it behind. The bomb will detonate with a reasonable radius, spinning out everyone in its path and causing them to lose rings.

Selecting a racer

When assembling your three-character team, make sure to include one of each of three basic sorts of racers. Speed, technique, and power and the three categories in which Team Sonic Racing’s karts are divided. Each class’s karts have unique attributes that will have a significant impact on how you race. One thing to keep in mind while choosing a racer is that doing so will build your team to the other characters on that team. The following will assist you in selecting the most appropriate kart for your playing style.

Team Sonic

Speed Class: Sonic

Technique Class: Tails

Power Class: Knuckles

Team Amy:

Speed Class: Amy

Technique Class: Chao

Power Class: Big

Team Vector:

Speed Class: Blaze

Technique Class: Silver

Power Class: Vector

Team Shadow:

Speed Class: Shadow

Technique Class: Rouge

Power Class: Omega

Team Eggman:

Speed Class: Metal sonic

Technique Class: Dr. Eggman (Robotnik)

Power Class: Zavok


The speed class refers to how quickly the kart can navigate the track. This class’s characters will have the fastest karts and will have little trouble catching up to the group or extending a lead out front. They will also have the ability of Radical Burst, which allows them to defend themselves against hostile vehicles for a short period of time. When you use a second-level boost, this ability is immediately enabled. The disadvantage of Speed Class Karts is that they have slow acceleration and require a lot of boosts to attain top speed.


Karts in the Technique class has the best handling and cornering, as well as decent speed. This class of karts will not be penalized for going off-road, allowing them to look for shortcuts that would be too expensive to explore in other classes. Although this off-track talent can help you catch up to the pack if you are falling behind, keep in mind that if you are in the lead, teammates that aren’t in the technique class will not be able to follow your gold slipstream over those places.


The Power Class karts are tough, and they may strike barriers and obstacles without slowing down. When they are hit by barriers or obstacles, they will not spin out. The disadvantage of this class is that they have the slowest top speed out of the three classes, requiring you to rely on Rings and other boost tactics to keep up with them. On certain courses, Power Class karts can use their bulldozing abilities to disclose secret paths and shortcuts that would otherwise be inaccessible to teammates.

Game Trailer goes through the different character types

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