Team Sonic Racing Пасхальные яйца на PC

Последнее обновление: 23 марта 2022 г.

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Sonic the Hedgehog

Пасхальные яйца

Despite the fact that it is a kart racer, Team Sonic Racing is ultimately a Sonic the Hedgehog game, and the series is known for making connections to previous Sonic games, so there are many to be found. The backgrounds all incorporate various allusions to other sonic games, thus they’re primarily confined to the tracks themselves. For example, in Seaside Hill Zone, the renowned whale from Sonic Adventures appears, while the new character Dodom Pa can be seen in what appears to be the Eggmobile, Dr. Eggman’s hovercar.

Several achievements refer to other Sonic games, example: “Reach for The Stars” for completing one of the Adventure Zones which is the main theme song of Sonic Colours, or “Sonic Heroes” for participating in a local team race with two other players, which is, of course, the Sonic game where you play with different abilities as a team of three.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Пасхальные яйца

Despite the fact that it is a kart racer, Team Sonic Racing is ultimately a Sonic the Hedgehog game, and the series is known for making connections to previous Sonic games, so there are many to be found. The backgrounds all incorporate various allusions to other sonic games, thus they’re primarily confined to the tracks themselves. For example, in Seaside Hill Zone, the renowned whale from Sonic Adventures appears, while the new character Dodom Pa can be seen in what appears to be the Eggmobile, Dr. Eggman’s hovercar.

Several achievements refer to other Sonic games, example: “Reach for The Stars” for completing one of the Adventure Zones which is the main theme song of Sonic Colours, or “Sonic Heroes” for participating in a local team race with two other players, which is, of course, the Sonic game where you play with different abilities as a team of three.

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