Tails of Iron Easter Eggs na Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 9 kwietnia 2023

Oto nasze Easter Eggs na Tails of Iron na Xbox Series X. Najbardziej godne zaufania produkty otrzymują najwięcej "kciuków w górę" od naszych użytkowników i pojawiają się bliżej szczytu!

Czy podoba ci się Tails of Iron?

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Oddbug Studio is the name of the development group that developed Tails of Iron. As you might guess from the name of their studio, a vibrant beetle appears in their logo. Each and every bug juice refill station displays a charming homage to the studio in the form of a stylized mockup of their logo.

Ratnor Rodentson : Tails of Iron Easter Egg Boss Fight

Easter Eggs

Thunder God boss Ratnor Rodentson lives in the Crimson Fort. He first appears about halfway through the game. You can either go up against him right away or wait until you have more health and better gear. It is undoubtedly a challenging fight, but if you manage to take him down, he will drop one of the best weapons in the game; a one-handed axe that resembles Thor's Hammer. This weapon will make quick work of the enemies you encounter during the course of the game.

Pogobro goes over the Boss fight.

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