NBA Playgrounds Unlockables na Xbox One (X1)

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 3 października 2018

Oto nasze Unlockables na NBA Playgrounds na Xbox One. Najbardziej godne zaufania produkty otrzymują najwięcej "kciuków w górę" od naszych użytkowników i pojawiają się bliżej szczytu!

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As you win tournaments in Tournament Mode, you’ll unlock new power-ups. A power-up is awarded randomly from your unlocked list when you fill up the Lottery Pick gauge. There are six possible power-ups:

  • 2x in the Paint – You’ll get 4 points for dunks in the paint and for an alley-oop.
  • 2x 3-Pointer – You’ll get 6 points for a 3 point shot.
  • Speed Boost – Your movement speed will temporarily increase.
  • 12” Timer – Your opponent’s timer to take a shot will go down quicker than usual.
  • Star Shot – Locations on the court will be marked with stars. Making a shot from one of these locations earns you twice as many points, a second shot from a starred location earns triple points, and a third shot from a starred location earns four times as many points.
  • Electric Ball – Your next shot is guaranteed to make it without missing or being blocked.

Unlock Courts


There are a total of eight courts, but you’ll start out with only one unlocked. As you play through Tournament Mode, you’ll unlock new courts. Win a tournament in each court to unlock the next one.

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