Lunch Lady Indices sur PC

Dernière mise à jour: 10 février 2023

Voici nos Indices pour Lunch Lady sur PC. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Some Suggestions To Help You Survive


Below are some helpful suggestions to help you survive. 

  • When Lunch Lady starts making her eerie noises, she is close by.
  • The red glow that surrounds her also makes it easy to identify her.
  • When you find a page the Lunch Lady shrieks and goes to that particular area to investigate.
  • Avoid running down long hallways with Lunch Lady following you because she will trow objects at you and knock you over. Rather, take cover in a room.
  • The best rooms to run into when fleeing are those with back rooms or two exits; just be sure to shut the door behind you.
  • The blue folders are simple to overlook, and the keys are even simpler. Continue your search.
  • Avoid healing yourself when the Lunch Lady is nearby because if she approaches while you are healing, you will be much more vulnerable.
  • While you should avoid hiding in dead ends, keep in mind that you can run around tables. It's not a good idea to hide in the principal's office!
  • In the cafeteria and other areas, there are valves that occasionally releases steam that might burn you, note that you can close these valves.

What You Need To Know To Start Playing The Game


Here are some helpful tips to help with the game: 

  • Keep the Lunch Lady as far away from you as you can!
  • A page from the exam is contained in each of the 10 blue folders. Find them all.
  • Find the keys to the Principal's office, the Stairway, and the hallways A, B, and C.
  • When you discover a key, open all the doors that key can open as soon as you can.
  • Everyone who is still standing must make their way to the entrance from which you started the game once all 10 exam pages have been found.

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