Global City Guides sur PC

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A Beginner's Guide: Creating a Thriving City


1. Prioritize The Main Tasks in the Beginning

The game’s early stages are teeming with opportunities for city management. While the tutorial provides an introduction, city growth's rapid pace can overwhelm newcomers. Each action garners experience (EXP), unlocking new structures and functions.

While freedom is prized, consider using a strategic guide for efficiency. The "Tasks" tab, accessible via the assistant icon, lists essential objectives for city growth. These guide you in constructing and producing the necessary elements.

Objectives vary but are always achievable. Akin to RPG main quests, their completion often leads to subsequent tasks. As new objectives emerge, unfinished ones are distinguishable, aiding resource planning.

Completing tasks yields EXP and coins, vital for unlocking new features and advancing your city. When tasks pile up, remember other avenues for progress.

2. Expand and Arrange Your Building Consideration

The expansion marks your city's growth. With each unlocked lot, more structures can be erected. Initial expansion is straightforward, relying on easily obtained resources. Later, unique resources complicate this.

Structures' placement is pivotal. Use the hard hat icon to access buildings, ensuring residential units, power, and water are in place. Factories are instrumental in generating resources, contributing to coin and EXP generation.

Amenities impact residents' satisfaction. Organize your city to maximize amenity use and accommodate population needs. This promotes harmony across various needs, streamlining progress.

The city layout can evolve using the road icon and by moving structures. Arrange amenities efficiently, grouping frames by type. Balance and foresight are essential, considering expansion's long-term impact.

3. Become a Pro at Inventory Management

Resource accumulation is swift. Manage your inventory effectively, as items have a cap. This limit enhances strategic depth. Manage production in alignment with tasks and storage constraints.

Prioritize tasks and align resources accordingly. Inventory isn't only for production resources but also for expansion items. The Global Exchange Center facilitates resource sales to other players.

Selling excess items provides space but has limited returns. The Center also facilitates obtaining scarce items. This can be pivotal for swift progression.

4. Additionally, Pursue Orders and Projects

This isn't a typical city builder. Unique operations fuel its vitality. The assistant menu unveils Orders, Projects, and the Hotline. Although main tasks are critical, Orders and Projects foster growth too.

Projects unlock unique features. The Port, for instance, provides rare resources. Completing the stages demands various resources.

The Port's orders earn coins and rewards, including expansion items. The hotline alerts you to pressing issues. Keeping it empty ensures optimal city operation.

5. Manage Your Cash With Care

Cash, a premium currency, is precious. Spend wisely on production slots to expedite queues. Initially, structures have two slots; more slots enhance efficiency.

Hold off on non-essential purchases. Cash can purchase items that are otherwise hard to obtain. Don't squander it; use it for production expansion.

6. Use Special Events to Your Advantage

The game's rewards are abundant. Special events offer further rewards. Monitor them via the icons on the left. These events bolster existing gameplay.

Events complement routine tasks. They're time-limited, so seize opportunities for unique rewards. Align with event objectives for optimal progress.

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