Far Cry 6 Unlockables on Xbox One (X1)

Last Updated: March 16, 2023

Here are our Unlockables for Far Cry 6 on Xbox One. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Pistola Sportiva


This weapon is not effective in dealing with adequate damage, but it is precise in handling and has a very good rapid-fire rate. The weapons Blast Round mod is very impressive and great for blasting through enemy armor, helmets, and bulletproof screens.  

Blast Rounds: can deal explosive damage within its area of effect and can be used against vehicles.

Fast Reload: Improved speed reload

Nimble Shooter: The mod enhances mobility while aiming. 

You can find the weapon in West Lado around the El Maraton field. 

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Précieuse  cargaison  impossible  de  l'affaire  ??
Remi Karolak, 1 year ago Reply
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