Diablo IV Hinweise auf Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 5. Oktober 2023

Hier sind unsere Hinweise für Diablo IV auf Xbox Series X. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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How to Bolster Your Gameplay


Gem Management for Inventory Space

Manage your inventory space effectively by placing gems in your gear sockets. When you salvage the gear in town, it will automatically remove the gem without any cost. Whenever your inventory starts to fill up, simply pick up a gem, and it will highlight items with available sockets. Then, place the gems into those sockets.

Efficient Dungeon Monster Elimination

Eliminating all monsters in dungeons can be done quickly by playing normally. Loose or straggler monsters will be teleported to you, signaling that a monster horde is approaching. This counterintuitive strategy encourages you to focus on elite packs and progress through the dungeon rather than spend time chasing individual stragglers.

Upgrade Gems Directly from Your Stash

You can upgrade gems from your stash, which will instantly appear in your inventory, ready to be socketed. This eliminates needing to keep gems in your inventory or transfer them manually before upgrading. Storing gems in your stash allows for convenient upgrades while freeing up your inventory space.

Farming Heltides for Better Loot

If you're around level 70 and have unlocked World Tier 4, consider farming Heltides in World Tier 3. Accumulate Cinders from these runs, then switch your world tier back to four in Kyovichod. Opening chests with your Cinders in World Tier 4 will grant you improved loot, meaning better gear and rewards.

Highlight Your Character for Visibility

To enhance visibility, you can enable a character highlight. This feature adds a visible outline around your character, making them easier to spot amidst high-density mobs, large bosses, or complex battle scenarios.

Enhanced Vision and Reduced Aggro While Mounted

While mounted on your horse, you benefit from an expanded field of vision and reduced aggro range. This advantage can be helpful in both PvE and PvP scenarios. In PvP, the broader field of vision helps you detect opponents earlier, giving you a strategic advantage. The reduced aggro range can also help you avoid unnecessary encounters with monsters.

Efficient Use of Horse Speed Boosts

To maximize the effectiveness of your horse's speed boosts, keep your cursor farther away from your character. This technique allows your speed boost to last longer, helping you cover more ground before it depletes. By managing your cursor placement efficiently, you can stretch your horse's stamina and maintain a higher speed for extended periods.

Glyphs Unlock at Level 15 for Greater Flexibility

Specific Paragon boards require level 15 to activate glyphs properly, as the gained glyph flexibility enables more creative glyph combinations and customization options for your character.

Jumping While Mounted

You can make jumps without dismounting when your character is on a horse. Instead of dismounting to cross obstacles, maintain your speed and approach the jump at the correct angle. Your horse will automatically jump, saving you the time and hassle of dismounting and remounting.

Maximize XP Gain by Level Difference

The experience points (XP) you earn vary based on the level difference between your character and the monsters you defeat. Monsters one level higher grant 15% more XP, those two higher provide 20% more XP, and monsters three levels or more yield 25% more XP. Conversely, monsters lower in level than your character grant less XP, with each level below reducing the XP gained by 10%.

Choosing the Right World Tier

The various world tiers function as a difficulty system. World Tier 1 is ideal for newcomers and those seeking a casual gameplay experience. In contrast, World Tier 2 offers more challenging enemies and rewards you with 20% more experience and 15% more gold. World Tier 2 strikes a balance, providing a rewarding experience without excessive difficulty. You can adjust your world tier at the world tier statue in Kyovichard or from the main menu if you encounter tough foes.

Reserving World Tiers 3 and 4 for Endgame

World Tiers 3 and 4 present significantly higher difficulty levels than their predecessors. However, you can only unlock them after completing the main story and reaching level 50 or higher. Consider switching to World Tiers 3 and 4 if you wish to continue leveling up your characters and engaging in endgame content once you've completed the campaign missions.

Skill Selection and Refunding

Each class skill tree offers multiple options to unlock with additional skill points. You need not worry about making permanent choices. Experiment freely by unlocking a skill and testing it out. You can refund skill points anytime to select a different option on the tree. This flexibility lets you explore all available skills and decide which core abilities to unlock first. Skill point refunds are free until approximately level 10, and afterward, the cost increases incrementally, remaining affordable.

Marking Inventory Items as Junk

While battling enemies and collecting equipment, you can manage your inventory by marking items as junk when you know you won't use them. This streamlines the process of dismantling or selling multiple items at once when you visit a merchant or blacksmith.

Utilizing the Town Portal

Return to the nearest available city for free using the Town Portal when your inventory becomes full. There, you can dismantle, sell, upgrade, and store your equipment, replenish your health, and then quickly return to your previous location by reactivating the portal. This method ensures you don't miss out on valuable gold and resources.

Unlocking Transmog Options

Dismantling equipment not only provides upgrade resources but also unlocks cosmetic transmogrification options. You can equip these unlocked cosmetic options over your gear using the character's wardrobe. This feature allows you to customize your character's appearance independently of your equipment. Dismantling items with a pickaxe symbol unlocks new cosmetic choices, including rare and legendary equipment styles.

Fast Traveling out of Dungeons

After defeating a dungeon's boss, returning to the surface can be tedious. Look for shortcuts after boss fights; however, if none are available, use the map to locate the entrance icon, represented by small blue stairs. Click on it to instantly travel back to the outside world at the dungeon's entrance. Alternatively, open the radial menu and activate the stairs icon for a swift exit.

Understanding Elite Enemy Modifiers

Elite enemies may have modifiers such as "fiery," "waller," or "terrifying." These modifiers impact their abilities and tactics. Learn to recognize these modifiers by the small colored symbols above their heads and their names displayed under their health bars. Understanding these modifiers helps you adapt your strategy and respond effectively during combat.

Boss Health Bars and Stun Meters

Boss health bars include a stun meter, a small bar beneath their health. You can fill this bar by applying debuffs and elemental effects like frost or stun. Once the stun meter is full, the boss becomes staggered, allowing you to deal free damage. This is the perfect opportunity to unleash your most powerful abilities. Additionally, red diamonds on the boss's health bar indicate when the boss will drop health potions, aiding you in managing the fight.

Efficient Potion Management

Ensure your health is full when your potion reserves are at maximum capacity. If your potions are full, consider consuming one to replenish your health, and then pick up the spare potion you would have otherwise been left behind. This way, you maximize your health while preventing potions from going to waste.

Upgrading Potions with the Alchemist

As you reach specific level milestones, new health potion upgrades become available. Bring the required items and gold to an alchemist to enhance your potion's potency. The game notifies you of available upgrades with an upward arrow over the potion icon, allowing you to enhance your survivability.

Increasing Maximum Potion Capacity

You can expand your total potion-carrying capacity by increasing your renown in a given area, such as the Fractured Peaks. Completing side quests, dungeons, and strongholds and exploring the map contribute to your renowned level. Reaching certain thresholds rewards you with skill points, gold, or potion capacity upgrades. Some upgrades apply account-wide, benefiting all your characters.

Defeating Treasure Goblins

Treasure goblins are valuable targets marked by a distinct icon on the map and a trail of gold. Prioritize eliminating them as they drop abundant gear and gold upon defeat. Treasure goblins possess more health than expected, but their rewards make the effort worthwhile. Stun them to prevent their escape.

Conquering Strongholds

Strongholds are challenging outdoor dungeons that require thorough clearing. These areas are typically several levels higher than your character. Completing strongholds earns you renown and transforms the area into a new town, offering convenience and access to additional dungeons. Liberating strongholds provides a source of legendary aspects.

Trading with Purveyors of Curiosities (Murmuring Obols)

Like Kadala in Diablo 3, purveyors of curiosities offer randomized loot in exchange for murmuring opals. You can obtain these opals by completing public events and randomized events in dungeons. Completing mastery objectives for these events increases your opal count. Remember that purchases from purveyors result in randomized loot, including the chance of obtaining powerful, unique weapons and gear.

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