Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 Hinweise auf Xbox One (X1)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 8. November 2021

Hier sind unsere Hinweise für Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 auf Xbox One. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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Use Bushes As Camouflage


You can walk close by enemies by using long grass, or bushes as camouflage. As long as you stay stealthy within these areas, you can walk around an enemy, and he will not notice you.

Unlocking Abilities Order


As you develop in the game as a sniper, you will have the opportunity to unlock certain traits, items, and abilities. You do this by gaining points from playing the game. These are the most useful and needed abilities to unlock first.

Augmented Eyesite: This ability gives you thermal vision, giving the player a better vision of the enemies while in denser areas.

Tracking Plugin: This allows you to tag multiple enemies in a certain range, helping you to keep track of the enemy locations while taking your shots.

Universal Camouflage: As the name suggests, allows you to Camouflage much better in all areas.

Details on these added unllockables, and other important hints.

Interrogate When Possible


If you sneak up behind an enemy and get close enough, you will be able to Interrogate the enemy. This will be the best way to recon an area and gather a large amount of details you previously did not have. 

When you interrogate a hostile, they may sometimes choose not to provide you with the information, but they will provide the information majority of the time.

You can gather details such as all the enemy locations, traps, the location of the high-profile target, where certain buildings are, and more.

Fragen, Antworten und Kommentare

Stelle eine Frage

Is  there  any  cheats  for  ps5  sniper  ghost  warrior  2  contracts
Dmitry avsevleychenko, vor 8 Monaten Antwort
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