Railway Empire 2 Leitfäden auf Xbox One (X1)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 27. Juni 2023

Hier sind unsere Leitfäden für Railway Empire 2 auf Xbox One. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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How To Issue Bonds


You may run out of money sometimes and need to issue bonds with banks. If your railway company has a steady cash flow, you can issue three bonds worth 10% of your company's value.

To issue a bond, click on the “Company” tab at the top of your screen and scroll to find the “Banking” menu. You will then see a list of bonds, which you can select to receive some capital.

Each bond has its own amount, the term for how long you are expected to repay the bond and the interest rate. To issue a bond, click on the “Tick” called issue bonds and confirm the bond.

You must pay back the issued bond within the stipulated term, or it will be extended for an additional year. You can redeem bonds early if you have accumulated sufficient funds to repay the loan.

Shadowcoast Gaming shares a guide on how to issue bonds.

Beginners Guide


You are in charge of running your own railway company. Running a railway company is met with daily challenges you can avoid with proper planning and some in-play game basics.

Trains run on tracks, and the layout of your tracks is one of the most important beginning aspects of establishing a successful railway route. There are enormous expenses incurred with building railways, and you must remember several rules when establishing a line between stations.

Finding and using the shortest path is essential when building a railway between two stations. You can do this by building railways in straight lines where possible and by avoiding winding routes.

Once you know the best possible route between stations, you can start plotting the route and adjust the tracks to accommodate the faster train speeds. Trains can travel the fastest on flat terrains, something to bear in mind when plotting your tracks.

Turning on the contour lines under the setting menu before you begin laying down your tracks will give you an idea of the terrain you’ll be working with. Building a single track will limit the bandwidth, so it’s best always to try and build double-track lines. 

You must also build tracks between different industrial buildings and city stations. Don’t forget to indicate the direction of the railway by building a panel or setting movement directions. Each settlement produces specific goods, and raw materials must be supplied to industrial buildings.

You can identify the demand by clicking on the town's name and going to the “Goods Supply and Demands” option. It’s best to check the cities' demands as, over time, they will expand, and their demand for certain supplies will increase.

Building warehouses form part of the integral demand and supply chain between stations, as trains loaded with items will deliver them to the nearest station. Goods are offloaded at warehouses, and interlinking trains can load the goods from warehouses to supply distant cities.

You can prioritize goods or supplies in urgent demand by going to the panel of lines at the upper left corner of your screen, selecting the route you are searching for, and making some changes.

Railways are not only used for supplying goods and services. They are used to carry passengers. It’s okay to use multiple-purpose cargo and passenger trains at the beginning of your game; however, it's best to separate cargo and passenger trains.

Trains will break down occasionally and need service buildings to mend them. Build maintenance depots at all your stations to automatically repair your trains and prevent them from breaking down.

Lastly, trains need oil, coal, and sand to run effectively. You will need to replenish each train's resources regularly. Building a supply tower on the tracks will fill a train’s deleting resources to keep them moving.

Adekyn shares a beginner's guide for Railway Empire 2.

How To Use Warehouses


You are responsible for managing the transportation of goods between cities. If a train takes goods from one point, it will offload them at the first point with demand or space for the goods.

This poses a problem for subsequent towns demanding those particular goods. To combat this problem, you must build warehouses in different cities connected via the railways.

To build a warehouse, click on a station and select the “Construction Extension” option. This will open up a special menu showcasing all the available building options.

Build the warehouse and choose the goods you want to store there. You can store six different types of goods in a warehouse. When a train transporting goods stops at the station with a warehouse, it will store the specified goods.

Trains from other connecting railways will then be able to load the goods stored at the warehouse and transport them to other towns that need the supplies.

Deadly Diety shares a guide on how to use warehouses.

How To Demolish Tracks


You may occasionally make a mistake and build unnecessary railway tracks or need to remove old ones. You must use the demolishing tool from the top right-hand corner to remove any unwanted railway tracks or buildings.

Alternatively, you can remove train tracks by pressing “Shift” and “Left” click on the railway line.

Shadowcoast gaming shares a guide on how to remove train tracks.

How To Maintain Your Trains


All locomotives must be serviced at different intervals, depending on the type, to prevent them from breaking down. A train has a condition level that will indicate the current state of the train. The lower the train's condition, the more frequently the train will experience breakdowns.

To prevent the condition levels of your trains from decreasing, you will need to build a maintenance depot at the station. To build a maintenance depot, click on the station building, go to “Construct Extension,” and then select the “Maintenance Depot” building.

The maintenance depot will now automatically service and repair all the locomotives at the station when their condition levels reach 60%.

Deadly Deity shares a guide on how to maintain your trains.

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