Trek to Yomi Fehler auf Nintendo Switch

Letzte Aktualisierung: 9. Juni 2023

Hier sind unsere Fehler für Trek to Yomi auf Nintendo Switch. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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Enemies Stop Attacking Glitch


In Chapter 3, a glitch prevents your enemies from attacking your samurai. The glitch will occur at the finishing move tutorial in the third chapter, you’ll begin the fight against the boss, and he will not attack you.

His soldiers will appear to come towards you in attack mode with their katanas, but they will refuse to inflict any damage on your samurai. You’ll then be able to complete the tutorial without losing any health.

To fix this glitch, you will need to exit the game and restart the tutorial. This glitch can also occur if you go into the free movement section during the middle of a fight.

Emile Therese demonstrates the "Enemies Stop Attacking" Glitch

Game Breaking Glitch


At the end of the sixth chapter, a game-breaking glitch prevents you from completing the seventh chapter. At the end of the sixth chapter, you must select a path between duty, love, and gifts.

Once you have chosen your path, the game will reset all your health and stamina. In the process, a glitch will occur and remove all of your special moves. Without any moves, the game is virtually impossible to complete.

To make matters worse, there is no chapter selection. If you haven’t saved your game up until the end of the sixth chapter, you will be forced to restart your entire campaign from the first chapter.

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