NHL 23 Fehler auf PlayStation 5 (PS5)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 31. Mai 2023

Hier sind unsere Fehler für NHL 23 auf PlayStation 5. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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Glitched Stride Deke


A stride deke is basically when you’re skating; you let go of the left toggle stick, hold down “L1,” and push to the right or left with the left toggle stick “L3”. When performing this move, there is a glitch version that gives you a speed boost.

To perform the glitched stride deke, you first need to open up your player's hip or do a mohawk by gently pressing “L2”. Once your player has opened their hips, you must perform a normal stride deke. This combination gives your player a speed boost.

You should use the glitched stride deke when they are entering the zone. When this move is performed correctly, you can avoid all your opponents and step up a move to score. 

CarPig shares glitches for NHL 23.

Behind The Net Goal Glitch


This glitch allows you to score goals from behind the goalkeeper's net. To perform this glitch, you must go behind your opposition's goal net with a player and have an additional player in support.

The hockey player in control of the puck must go behind the opposition’s goals and face the net. You can make your player turn around and face the net by pressing “L2” or “X” when you have gone behind the goal area.

Your player should now be facing the back of your opponent’s net. If you are using a left-handed hockey player, you must position your player's forehands, which are holding his stick, towards the right-hand side of the goal. A right-handed player must position their player's forehands towards the left-hand side of the goals.

You will notice that your opponent's goalkeeper will be leaning towards the side your hockey player's forehands are facing. The goalkeeper will move to the other side of their goalpost if the player behind changes direction.

Your additional player that is in support must be located at an 80° angle toward the backhand side of the goals. If you are using a left-handed player, your player behind the goals must perform a back-handed pass to the left, and right-handed players will perform a back-handed pass to the right.

The support player will then receive the puck and must shoot to score. The glitch in the game causes the goalkeeper to lean in the same direction as the player from behind; this allows you to score easy goals from either side.

ChelLife15 shares a glitch from NHL 23

Wrap Glitch Goal


This glitch lets you beat the goalkeeper's movements and score wrap goals. To score wrap goals, your player must go behind your opponent’s goals and run at a straight angle.

If you pass your opposition's goalkeeper on the right-hand side, you’ll notice that he will stand upright against his post and then move to a kneeling position when you are about halfway past the back of his goal.

When you are just about to pass the left-hand side post, you need to turn and make a wrap animation toward his goals. The glitch causes the goalkeeper to be delayed, and you can easily wrap the puck in the back of the net.

This glitch doesn’t always occur, and the goalkeeper sometimes manages to block your shot. You can perform this glitch and wrap around both the left-hand and right-hand side posts. 

Giemer shares a wrap glitch from NHL 23.

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