Red Dead Redemption Cheats sur Playstation 4 (PS4)

Dernière mise à jour: 5 octobre 2023
Red Dead Redemption
  • Première sortie: Aug 16, 2023
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Thèmes: Action
  • Notations: PEGI 18, ESRB M

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How to Cheat While Playing Poker


This is quite tricky! You must be precise, almost dead center or slightly to the right or left, and they'll still catch you. It takes some practice to master.

  1. To cheat, make sure you're wearing the Elegance Suit Outfit. Then, follow these steps:
  2. Press and hold the triangle button, then tap right, right, right, left, left, and left to keep the card in the middle.
  3. After successfully taking the cheat card from the deck, you'll need to cheat once more to use it.
  4. Hold the triangle button again and choose either the left or right card to discard.
  5. Align the arrow as close to the center as possible a second time, and press the X button when you're lined up.
Turtle Hermit WaspInatoR demonstrates how to cheat at poker

Cheats to Make the Game Way More Interesting


To enter the cheat menu, press pause, then go to options, and then cheats. A keyboard with a text field will be displayed where you can enter the following cheats.

  • Lewis and Clark - Type and enter “YOU GOT YOURSELF A FINE PAIR OF EYES” to unlock all areas. 
  • Invincibility - Type and enter “HE GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK” to activate god mode.
  • Infinite Dead Eye - Type and enter "I DON'T UNDERSTAND INFINITY" to have an infinite dead eye. 
  • Infinite Ammo - Type and enter "ABUNDANCE IS EVERYWHERE" to have infinite ammo. 
  • Gun Set 1 - Type and enter "IT'S MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT" to unlock some weapons. 
  • Gun Set 2 - Type and enter "I'M AN AMERICAN. I NEED GUNS" to get the buffalo rifle, sawed-off shotgun, semi-auto pistol, Schofield revolver, Winchester repeater, and fire bottle x3. 
  • Decrease Bounty - Type and enter "THEY SELL SOULS CHEAP HERE" to decrease your bounty. 
  • Diplomatic Immunity - Type and enter "I WISH I WORKED FOR UNCLE SAM"; you will now have no bounty or wanted level. 
  • Good Guy - Type and enter "IT AINT PRIDE. IT'S HONOR" to have a good reputation. 
  • Famous - Type and enter "I AM ONE OF THEM FAMOUS FELLAS" to become famous. 
  • Money - Type and enter "THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, WE THANK YOU!" to get $500. 
  • Coach - Type and enter "NOW WHO PUT THAT THERE?" to spawn a coach. 
  • Horse - Type and enter "BEASTS AND MAN TOGETHER" to spawn a horse.
  • Infinate Horse Stamina - Type and enter "MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES" to get infinite horse stamina. 
  • Gang Chic - Type and enter "YOU THINK YOU TOUGH, MISTER?" to unlock the Treasure Hunter Outfit. 
  • Man In Uniform - Type and enter "I LOVE A MAN IN UNIFORM" to unlock the Bureau Uniform, U.S. Army Uniform, and U.S. Marshal Uniform. 
  • Sharp Dressed Man - Type and enter "DON'T YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY" to unlock the Gentlemen's Suit. 
  • Jack Attack - Type and enter "OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SON" to change John into Jack, John's son.
  • Who? - Type and enter "HUMILITY BEFORE THE LORD" to become a nobody. 
  • Hic - Type and enter "I'M DRUNK AS A SKUNK AND TWICE AS SMELLY" to become drunk. 
  • Old School - Type and enter "THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS" to enable the Sepia filter.
CoastProdigy shares cheats for Red Dead Redemption

How to Improve Your Gameplay


1. Don't Forget About Your Bandana

Never underestimate the power of your bandana. This humble accessory can be your saving grace. The game's honor system is meticulous, with tangible consequences for your actions. Frequent criminal activities and NPC killings will severely lower your honor rating, which affects your gameplay, potentially restricting access to various shops and vendors. However, there's a simple trick to avoid this fate: equip your trusty bandana before committing any misdeeds. This clever disguise ensures that your honor remains untouched, regardless of the deeds you choose to undertake.

2. Use Your Camps for Fast Travel

While fast travel is available, it's not as readily accessible as other open-world games. But don't worry; your camp can be your ticket to swift travel. You can set up camp almost anywhere in the open world and, from there, fast travel to towns you've previously visited. It's incredibly convenient and can save you precious time on your adventures.

3. Get Improved Campsites

Campsites are already invaluable for fast travel, but don't stop there. Consider investing in improved campsites from a general store as soon as possible. These upgrades facilitate travel between towns and waypoints and provide an unexpected bonus: they fully reload all your weapons every time you use them. This feature can be a lifesaver during intense encounters.

4. Combat is Better Without Auto-Aim

Combat can feel sticky, thanks to the auto-aim feature. While Deadeye can add a layer of excitement to your battles, relying on auto-aim can make combat rigid and less engaging. For a more immersive experience, we recommend turning off auto-aim. It may take some getting used to, especially if you're aiming with precision on a gamepad, but the freedom it offers is well worth it.

5. Shoot Your Bounties in the Leg

Bounty hunting is a significant activity, and it can be incredibly rewarding if done right. While you always have the option to kill the bounties you're tracking, bringing them in alive usually pays better. However, it's not always easy to prevent them from making a run for it or forcing you into a lethal confrontation. Start encounters by shooting your target in the leg to tip the odds in your favor. 

6. Take Extra Care of Your Horse

Your horse plays a critical role, though it's less central than in the sequel or prequel. Still, if you find a horse with exceptional stats, treat it like gold. Unlike later games in the series, there's no way to bring your horses back from the dead once they're gone. When they're gone, they're gone for good, so make sure you cherish and protect your trusty steed.

7. Save Frequently

Mistakes can happen, and unforeseen issues might arise during your adventures in the Wild West. To safeguard your progress and prevent accidental quest failures or progress lockouts, develop the habit of saving your game frequently. This simple action can spare you frustrating setbacks and lost opportunities.

8. Don't Ignore Challenges

It's easy to overlook challenges as optional content, but doing so can lead to missed rewards. Challenges are divided into four categories, each with ten ranks to achieve. Reaching ranks 5 and 10 in each category grants you unique rewards, including enhancements to your Deadeye abilities, extra ammunition, new outfits, and more. Embrace these challenges; they can significantly enrich your gameplay experience.

9. Get the Expert Hunter Outfit

You can unlock the coveted Expert Hunter outfit by completing challenges and obtaining five scraps. This outfit is a game-changer for hunting enthusiasts, significantly enhancing your tracking and skinning abilities. With this attire equipped, every animal you kill yields twice the number of items, making hunting even more profitable.

10. Get the Deadly Assassin Outfit

Another valuable outfit, the Deadly Assassin outfit, can be yours by obtaining five scraps through challenges. This attire accelerates the regeneration of your Deadeye meter, allowing you to unleash its full potential during intense firefights. In the heat of battle, this advantage can make all the difference.

11. Buy Bandoliers for Increased Ammo Capacity

Ammunition is your lifeline. Consider purchasing bandoliers from gunsmiths or general stores to ensure you're always prepared for a firefight. These accessories double your ammo capacity for repeaters and rifles, giving you a considerable advantage in prolonged battles and skirmishes.

12. Don't Instantly Buy New Weapons

The temptation to acquire shiny new weapons when you spot them in a store can be strong. However, exercise caution. Weapons are often granted as rewards for completing missions. Don’t waste your hard-earned money on something you might receive for free later in your adventures.

13. Hunt Animals for Profit

Hunting is more than a pastime in the Wild West; it's a means to earn a handsome profit. If you're looking for a way to bolster your wallet without investing too much time, hunting and skinning animals for their pelts is an effective strategy. With the Expert Hunter outfit equipped, this method becomes even more lucrative, as you receive twice the number of skins and hides from each kill.

14. Sell Pelts to Distant Stores

Consider this tip when selling your hard-earned pelts: don't rush to the nearest store. Instead, venture to different regions from where you hunted the animals. Stores in distant towns often offer higher prices for your pelts. This simple tactic can significantly boost your earnings and make your hunting expeditions even more rewarding.

15. Watch Out for Cougars

Seasoned players always have one piece of advice for newcomers: beware of cougars. These ferocious predators roam the untamed wilderness of the game's open world and mean business. Cougars can catch you off guard with their speed and lethality, so it's often best to steer clear and avoid a deadly confrontation.

GamingBolt shares some things you should do when playing Red Dead Redemption

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