Mega Man X Dive Offline Guides sur PC

Dernière mise à jour: 10 novembre 2023

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Best Characters for Beginners


S-Class Hunter X

S-Class Hunter X is by far the best character for beginners. He’s well-balanced, with every stat sitting at 4, and has skills that get more impressive at higher ranks. His abilities included:

  • Super Charge sShot  - an energy shot that can be charged to deal 25 times more damage. You can add the following modifier chips:
    • Accelerate Charge at 1 star - reduces the time needed to reach max charge by 25%. 
    • Power Increase at 1 star - increases the damage rate from a max charge by 10%.
    • Charged Shot at 4 stars - increases the damage dealt from a max charge by 32%.
  • Tracking Missle - tracks a target and explodes upon hitting it. You can add the following modifier chips: 
    • Ammunition Expansion at 2 stars - increases the number of shots by 1. 
    • Auxiliary Positioning System at 2 stars - increases flight speed by 20% and improves tracking. 
    • Destructive Warhead at 5 stars - weapons targets DEF upon contact and increased damage dealt by 36%.

His passive skills are fantastic for beginners:

  • Armor Protection - reduced the damage you take by 15%
  • Electric Shock Warhead 
    • Super Tracking Missiles Immobilize their targets upon contact. 
      The range of a max-charged Super Charged Shot increases by 15%.
    • Super Charged shots deal damage to all targets in their path, but only 25% of the initial damage after they make contact.
  • Buster Expert - while equipped with a buster, the damage you deal increases by 15%, and the damage you take decreases by 20%.
  • Hero Never Die 
    • Damage taken decreases by 20% when your HP is below 50%.
    • Max-charged Super Charge Shots and Super Tracking Missiles ignore terrain and barriers.
  • Unstoppable Momentum
    • After launching a Super Tracking Missile, your movement speed will increase by 39%. This effect can only be triggered again after a 6-second cooldown.
    • After you hit, you’ll gain a shield that can withstand 100% attack damage. This effect can only be triggered again after an 8-second cooldown.

His DNA Code is just as good as everything else:

  • Energy Feedback - After defeating an enemy with a weapon or skill, you will recover HP equal to 21% of your attack. This effect can only be triggered again after a 6-second cooldown.
  • Enhanced Buster Expert - Increased the Buster Expert effect by 20%.
  • S-Class Hunter
    • Increases damage rate of Super Tracking Missile by 20%.
    • When using a max charge shot, the prep time for Super Tracking Missile decreases by 2 seconds. This effect can only be triggered again after a 2-second cooldown.

All of Ferham’s stats are great, except for her range. Her abilities include:

  • Bloody Snake - Whip forward continuously while dealing 94.08% (+ 0.75% per level) attack damage to targets within range. This ability has a 6-second cooldown time, and you can add the following modifier chips: 
    • Dynamic Destruction at 1 star - Reduces speed of hit target by 38.89% for 6 seconds. 
    • Power Increase at 1 star - increases damage rate by 5% (98.78% (+ 0.78%)
    • Giving of the Queen at 4 stars - After hitting your target, there is an 18% chance of rendering them immobile for 1 second.
  • Crimson Shadow - Surrounds you with a red storm for 7 seconds. It will periodically deal 111.60% (+ 0.89% per level) of damage to targets within range. This ability has a cooldown time of 10 seconds, and you can add the following modifier chips: 
    • Hidden Shadow at 2 stars - Accelerates damage register by 20%
    • Protective Shield at 2 stars - Acquire a shield that can withstand 125% damage for 4 seconds.
    • Power Increase at 5 stars - Increased damage rate by 5% 117.18% (+ 0.93% per level).

Her passive skill is great for a first-time player looking to deal a significant amount of damage:

  • Blood Frenzy - Cast to gain Enhanced CRI for 10 seconds and increase CRIR by 112%.
  • Mobility - prep time for Crimson Shadow decreases by 20%.
  • Speedy Whip - The damage register of Blood Snake is accelerated by 20%.
  • Quality of Queen - The damage you deal increases by 10% when your HP is above 50%
  • Sadistic - When you are hit, there is a 25% chance to gain Enhance CRID for 10 seconds to increase CRID by 192%. There is a 10-second cooldown for this skill.

Finally, her DNA Code is great for protecting you against attacks:

  • Preventive Shield - After using Blood Snake, you’ll gain a preventative shield that protects you from all negative status.
  • HP Absorb - After defeating a target with Crimson Shadow, you’ll recover HP equal to 16.61% of the attack. This effect can only be triggered again after a 3-second cooldown.
  • Burning Blood - Enahce the effects of Blood Frenzy by 30% (Enhance CRI effect: 145.59%)

While Cinnamon’s attack stat isn’t great, her support is excellent and backed by her durability and range, making her great for a player who prefers to attack from a distance and support their allies. Her abilities include: 

  • Syringe - Throw a syringe to deal 122.47% (+ 0.97% per level) attack damage and weaken a target’s attack damage by 33.75% for 8 seconds while gaining a heart upon a successful hit. This ability has a 6-second cooldown time, and you can add the following modifier chips: 
    • Unfocus at 1 star - Landing a hit induces CRI Weakened for 15 seconds, reducing CRIR by 97.2%.
    • Interface at 1 star - Target’s movement speed is reduced by 37.97% for 8 seconds.
    • Ultra Syringe at 4 stars - Combine two virus shots into one. This decreases the number of charges you have but increases the damage dealt to 281.69% (+ 2.24% per level).

Angel Aura - Increases the damage dealt by all friendly units by 16.75%. Consumes a heart to reduce damage taken by friendly units by 16.75%. Both buffs can be stacked twice and last for 40 seconds. The effects are not instantaneous but affect friendly units throughout the aura’s animation.

TheKennyDubz shares their list of the best characters for early game

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