Fortnite Cheats on PlayStation 5 (PS5)

Last Updated: March 29, 2023
  • First Released: Jul 24, 2017
  • Genres: Shooter, Sport, Simulator, Adventure, Role-playing (RPG)
  • Platforms: Mac,PC,Xbox One,PlayStation 4
  • Ratings: PEGI 12,

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Scar and Llama cheat


Scar - left, right, R1, L2, down, square, up, triangle, R2, left, left, triangle(x3)
Llama spawn - Left, left, left, right, right, R2, L2, triangle, square, square, circle

When  and  where  do  you  put  in  the  cheat  code?
Clifford Franken, 3 years ago - Reply
where  do  I  climb  the  cheats
daiki, 2 months ago - Reply
Okjsnsuebe  UJ
Miłosz, 4 months ago - Reply
Do  these  cheats  still  work?
Brandon Church, 9 months ago - Reply
Pour  les  personne  arrêtes  de  me  dire  nulle
Liam, 1 year ago - Reply
Mon  compte  fortnite  lloydselo4
Lloyds, 1 year ago - Reply
Does  this  work  and  if  so  where  do  I  do  the  cheat  
Anthony , 4 years ago - Reply

Legendary weapons


Whenever the battle bus double honks over a location, it means there is a legendary weapon there

Free 35 teirs


When the fortnightmares challenge pack 3 was released, one of the challenges was a 3-parter to visit different locations. After part 1 was complete, people were shocked to see that part 2 gave out 150 battlestars, and part 3 200, resulting in a free 35 teirs. The glitch was quickly patched, but epic let everyone keep their earnings, since it was their fault.

By: SuperEpicMiner Comment
Le  jeu  fortnite  est  extrêmement  extrêmement  bien
Mama1212 Menguy, 4 months ago - Reply

Hidden gnome

Easter Eggs

Sometimes, on a very rare occasion, if you build a brick wall, one of the bricks will be replaced by a lawn gnome.

By: SuperEpicMiner Comment

Fortnite Top Tips


Gun rarity - From worst to best. White/common, green/uncommon, blue/rare, purple/epic, gold/legendary. Always swap out your common items for the rarer variants when you can.

Shield - Shields gives you extra health so they're worth having! Big shields give you 50 shield, mini shields give you 25 (but cannot be used after 50 shield so use them first!), slurp juice gives you 75 shield or health (prioritising health), chug jug maxes out both shield and health.

(PC) Set your keybinds! - Click settings, then keybinds, and customize to your preference. Make sure to do your building key binds because building is a very big part to being successful in Fortnite.

(PC) Stretched resolution - In your windows search bar type “run” then type in on the run “search %appdata%”, then click appdata, local, fortnitegame, saved, config, windowsclient, then right click on game user settings and click properties, untick read only apply, double left click game user settings then look for:
and change your resolution to make targets bigger and easier to hit! I recommend 1440/1080.When done tick the read only box and load up fortnite.

Where to drop depending on your playstyle  - For a lot of kills drop somewhere where the bus is heading over but is also a normal popular location such as Tilted Towers, Retail Row, Salty Springs, o rPleasants Park.

But if you want no one troubling you then drop somewhere far from the bus and where nobody lands. Maybe even unnamed locations such as on top of the mountain on B,4  Or on top of B,6 also J,6 and D,2.

Practice, practice practice! - Play your friends or just practice building in playground to improve your skill and give you a better chance to kill other players in real games

Skydiving - Dont skydive directly over your land location because the game makes you pull out your glider which slows you down a lot so you can glide to your location and be first there.

Use the third person view to your advantage to check corners where your suspicious or potential campers are!

Dont always head to the center of the storm because then you'll have people at all sides of you making it more difficult to defend. Instead try and head to the periphery of the zone with ideally a good vantage point and/or cover.

On the later zones head for natural high ground that can't be destroyed such as mountains.

Super launch pad tip! - Place 1 floor and on the floor place a launch pad, then on the end of the floor place a bounce pad. Next run into the bounce pad and you'll bounce into the launch pad making you go higher.

OP sniper trick! - This trick lets you snipe through a tiny gap making it almost impossible to get shot through! Place a ramp and edit right side forward, top side left, and and left side down. Then place a wall and edit out the bottom right corner.  A hole should appear on the right side of the construction that you can snipe through whilst keeping you protected! See here for a vid

By: ks icey Comment

Creative glitch to get to main island


If you set down a player spawn and place a pyramid while inside the pyramid, the pyramid should turn yellow. Once that happens respawn and fly right when you are in the sky, then fly over to the main island.

P.S. you cant break anything.

By: Cocobear_xyz Comment
i  wil  need  v-bucks
deano1234, 2 years ago - Reply

Dance from doom


Suprisingly enough, dancing changes your hitbox as you move. So when in doubt, bust a move

By: SuperEpicMiner Comment

Questions, Answers and Comments

Ask a Question

How  do  I  do  cheats  on  Nintendo  Fortnite.
Alina Obas, 5 months ago Reply
What  r  the  best  Nintendo  Fortnite  settings
Dean, 11 months ago Reply
My  settings  are  bad!  May  I  get  the  best  settings  for  ps4?
Maciej Baraniak, 11 months ago Reply
Tu  peut  me  montrer  t'es  setting
Nacer, 11 months ago Reply
Good  game  yes
Aleksae, 1 year ago Reply
Anyone  knows  a  site  were  I  could  hack  my  xbox  one  on  fortnite  
Player218, 4 years ago Reply
im  just  replying  so  you  can  get  a  notification  so  you  realize  that  you  made  this  comment  3  years  ago  an  completly  forgot  about  it
chris, 1 year ago Reply
I’m  looking  for  a  way  to  get  aimBot  on  my  switch        My  son  really  wants  to  get  this  hack    can  anyone  help  me          Thanks.  
Shane Miller, 4 years ago Reply
How  I  can  habe  Aimbot  on  my  Switch
AliveFire8480, 7 months ago Reply
how  do  you  downlowd  ambot?
Sem Prigge, 1 year ago Reply
You  probably  have  to  download  aimbot
(I  want  the  cheat  that  I  can  see  everyone  in  the  match  (except  when  I'm  with  my  friends)  )
Gaming Wolf, 4 years ago Reply
At  what  point  /  when  do  I  enter  the  scar  or  lamma  cheat  code?  Can  I  do  it  on  every  new  battle/map?
Richard Sanford, 5 years ago Reply
I  think  so?
Derek, 4 years ago Reply
What  do  you  type  to  get  the  item  
BFD_RAYHAAN M, 4 years ago Reply
Do  the  cheat  codes  work  more  than  ounce
Bob, 5 years ago Reply
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