Bread & Fred Easter Eggs on PC

Last Updated: August 8, 2023

Here are our Easter Eggs for Bread & Fred on PC. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Finding References in a Hidden Cave

Easter Eggs

As you embark on your gaming journey through the captivating world of Bread and Fred, you'll be delighted to discover a plethora of cleverly hidden Easter eggs. In the forest-themed stage, spot a character resembling Hollow Knight, paying homage to the beloved game. Look out for the charming Celestronauts in the holiday-themed level, a nod to Celeste.

In the bustling city stage, find a graffiti mural featuring pixelated Mario, evoking nostalgia for classic adventures. Keep an eye out for the cooking pot reference to Step Dad's Breath of the Wild in the mountainous region. Spot the Minecraft-inspired building in the futuristic world, and the Mirror's Edge graffiti in the cyberpunk cityscape. These Easter eggs add an exciting touch of familiarity and joy to your gaming adventure. 

Here’s a video showing you the references.

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