Battlefield 2042 Schummeln auf PC

Letzte Aktualisierung: 3. Dezember 2022
Battlefield 2042
  • Erstmals veröffentlicht: Nov 18, 2021
  • Bewertungen: PEGI 16, ESRB M

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Biggest and most noteworthy unlockables


Due to Battlefield 2042 being a massive online multiplayer game, there are many unlockables that this game offers, the biggest and most noteworthy unlockables are the guns. Here is a list of guns that can be unlocked and how to unlock them:

Submachine Guns

PP-29: Obtain level 18.
MP9: Obtain level 36.
K30: Obtain level 53.
Assault Rifles

AK-24: Obtain level 11.
SFAR-M GL:  Obtain level 27.
AC-42: Obtain level 40.
Light Machine Guns

LCMG: Obtain level 3.
PKP-BP: Obtain level 32.
Marksman Rifles

SVK: Obtain level 14.
VCAR: Obtain level 47.
Sniper Rifles

DXR-1: Obtain level 24.
NTW-50: Obtain level 60.
Secondary Weapons

MP28: Obtain level 17.
M44: Obtain level 29.
Utility Weapons

GVT 45-70: Obtain level 21.
12M AUTO: Obtain level 44.
Each and every weapon has its own attachments to unlock, thankfully, there is a very simple process to unlock these attachments. One just has to play with the weapon and earn kills with said weapon. Check out the guides section to find ways to unlock these attachments faster than the normal way.

Born to Game goes through weapons that you can unlock.



If you were to play on the map of Rupture and start the game on point F, head to the left side of D1. You will find a snowman and two chairs, keep going in the same direction and you’ll see some penguins on an iceberg. If you are quick enough, you can catch up to the little tykes before they head-on into the water. Here is a quick video from youtube from a user who found the penguins: 

Jackfrags searches for the penguins.

C5 go Brrrr!


This one is for the players who love a little bit of boom in their gameplay. When a player has selected the explosive controller, different messages appear on the little screen. Messages such as these appear on the screen:

  1. Destroyed!
  2. C5 Activated!
  3. Eliminated!
  4. Detonated!
  5. Kaboom!
  6. Ouch!
  7. Bye bye!
  8. C5 Go Brr!

Some of these messages are not your typical military jargon expertly placed within the game.

Here is an example of some of these messages being displayed:

Gabro goes through the messages displayed.

Fudging Objectives!!


Nothing is more important than playing the objectives in a game like Battlefield 2042. However, some users love enjoying the scenery more than pushing points and fighting enemies. For example, if you were to play the map Kaleidoscope, keep your eye out for any subway maps. If you were to read one in particular, you would notice that there is a line that would take you to some interesting places. Take the subway and you can stop in places such as “objective”, “this” and “you”, however, take the subway from start to finish and you would stop in Why, Are, You, Reading, This, Play, The, Fudging, and Objective. 



If one was to play a map that contains the hovercraft vehicle, one can actually drive these machines up a vertical surface. The suction power on these vehicles know no bounds and defies the laws of gravity. Here is an example of one of these mean machines at work:

Dannyon PC flies Hovercraft.

Loadout? What Loadout?


Some bugs have been found in the game where once a player loads into the game, the loadouts that they have carefully created and selected have been replaced with the option of default weapons and loadouts that the player did not select.

Gone but still there?


Many players have reported that themselves, or other players' avatar has spawned into the game being invisible. The players are still able to walk around, shoot and interact with the game in every way, but their avatar has been invisible to other players, giving said player a huge advantage which can make a game not fun in the least. This bug has been thought to be caused by choosing to respawn in a vehicle, but while the respawn counter counts down, the vehicle becomes full. This causes the player to spawn next to the vehicle invisible.

I did a thing, Where is my reward?


There have been some reports of some multiplayer games failing to reward players with experience after the match has concluded. This bug has been acknowledged by Electronic Arts. It was thought to be caused by the 128-player multiplayer servers.

Stuck in the mud


There have been many reports of players getting stuck in the map in certain areas. These issues have been acknowledged by Electronic Arts and some instances have been fixed, however players have still been submitting reports of getting stuck in areas. For the most part, this bug is not substantial and does not affect a map to the point of it being unplayable.

Tactical Flightless Birds


A player has recently discovered that the flightless birds that inhabit the colder regions of the maps, can in-fact be repaired like it was a tactical warfare vehicle. If a player was to take a blow torch to the penguins that chill around the map, the player would discover that the blow torch would effectively work the same as if the player was using it on a war vehicle. So if you’re in the area, maybe lend a helping hand to the little birds.

Battlefield Central shows you how to repair the penguins.

Unlocking Attachments


Being a multiplayer game with many things to unlock and earn, tons of players have created guides on how to unlock things faster and easier. This guide here helps teach you how to unlock attachments for guns in the fastest possible way:

ColdBwoyy teaches you to unlock attachments quickly.

Beginners Guide


Checking out guides can help new players to learn the game and to interact with the menus more easily than if you were to pick them up from scratch. In this guide, the user teaches and shows players about the game and suggests ways thatK will make the game a little easier to learn for new players.

LevelcapGaming helps guide new players.

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